Episode 29: 3 Ways To Establish Passive Income In Your Online Business
On this episode of the podcast I discuss 3 reasons why I love network marketing.
On this episode of the podcast I discuss 3 free tools you can use to host your live master class.
This is the forgotten episode of the podcast. I totally blew it and skipped this episode.
On this episode of the podcast I discuss the one major factor for success.
On this episode of the podcast I discuss the 3 stages of a successful customer success ladder.
In this episode of the podcast I discuss why I made the conscious decision not to build anymore funnels. No I’m not giving up on my marketing strategy, I’m just going a different route and the plan is to serve even more people more effectively. Listen in to this episode and here how I plan to execute this strategy.
In this episode I discuss how to become an effective leader. Leadership is an essential function in today’s society. It’s essential in in business. It’s essential in schools. It’s essential in churches. It is essential everywhere that you go. Building a tribe is all about your leadership skills. I know you thought it was all about sales and marketing and funnels, but it’s really all about leadership.
I want to discuss a few things that will help you be more effective. Being a leader is all about serving your followers.
The first thing you want to do for your followers is to become an encourager of their dreams. Your followers are looking to you for encouragement and you should be the one that’s encouraging their dreams. Encourage them to step out on faith. This will allow them to follow you with confidence because they know that you are someone who really wants to see them achieve their dreams and achieve their goals.
The next tip is to justify their failures. Now, I know that may sound a little funny because you’re like, why would I justify their failures? Well, they need a leader that’s going to tell them, hey, you fail, but you’re not the only one who’s failed. The most successful people in the world have failed. When you justify their failures you help them understand that failure is not final, but it’s actually a part of the process of success. You let them know that they’re not flawed because they failed at something. This will cause them to have more confidence in you because most people are telling them the opposite.
The next thing that you want to do is help them eradicate their fears. That’s right. Eradicate their fears. You want to encourage them and give them the confidence to go out and pursue amazing things. They may fear failure like we were just discussing. They may fear becoming successful. They may fear what their family and friends are going to say about them. They may fear looking like a fool. They may fear something not working out the way they planned, but what you want to do is help them eradicate that fear by giving them positive affirmations, by telling them what is possible, by showing them through your action that they need not to fear.
The next thing that you want to do is you want to confirm their suspicions. People will follow a leader that confirms the things they have been thinking all along.
An example is when I talk about weight loss. People have suspicions that just exercising, it’s not going to help you lose weight. They’ve been suspicious about that for years. So I confirm their suspicions by letting them know that they are not alone. If you’re working out every day and you’re not losing weight, there is a reason why. Or if you’ve been dieting for a long time and you haven’t lost any weight, there is a reason why. You’ve been set up. You’ve been duped by American society. Once you confirm their suspicions, they will be more attracted to you as a leader.
The last thing that you want to do also to become an effective leader is to help them throw rocks at their enemies. People will follow people who are against what they are against.
This episode is about building your personal brand while building your network marketing business. Anybody that knows me and has known me for any amount of time knows that I love network marketing. It is an incredible way to do business. I’ve been involved in network marketing for over the last 15 years on and off and I built successful teams of people and I’ve had a moderate amount of success in network marketing, but one thing that I am very, very glad that I did was I built my own personal brand while building my network marketing company and I believe it is an excellent way for you to actually get started in the online business world.
Network marketing gives you a product that you can market. It gives you the support and the leadership that you need to start building an online business. So I want to jump right into the ways that you can build your personal brand.
The first tip is to be yourself. When you’re building a network marketing business, do not morph into someone else. Don’t morph into your upline. Don’t morph into your sponsor or someone else you’ve seen on stage. You can admire their success, but you want to be yourself because your family, your friends, the people that you talk to, they can sniff out of fake from a mile away so you don’t want it to be fake. While you’re building your business, you want to be genuine. You want to reach out to people and let them and share your why. Share your story, why you want to build this network marketing business.
The next tip is to become the expert in the niche of your network marketing business. If you are with a health and wellness company, then you want to go on your own health and wellness journey and start to learn about the different processes of becoming fit and getting healthy and start sharing that information.
The third tip is to start sharing content about your niche, not necessarily directly about your product, but about your journey and about your niche.
For example, when I was building a network marketing business that was in the health and wellness space, I started running because I wanted to get healthy. I wanted to get fit, so I started running. I would post a lot about running. I would post about my journey of weight loss and then people will ask me, well, what are you doing? And then I would lead them back to my network marketing product.
The next tip is to start building your own list. A lot of people miss this part. They think because it’s a network marketing business, they don’t have to build their own list, but your list is so valuable. Build your own email list while you’re doing it. You know how you can do that. You can start your own lead magnet, whatever you want to do.
In one company I was in, we were giving away samples and I would take their email address and their name when I gave away the sample. Start building your list and follow up with people. You’ve probably heard it before in network marketing, the fortune is in the follow up. You want to follow up with people after you have given them some information and then you want to keep providing them with content on a regular basis. Communicate with those people who you have on your list and provide value to them and eventually they will see the value and they either join you on the business side of your network marketing business or they’ll join you on the customer side.
Lastly, make sure that you’re building your team and showing your leadership skills. You want to make sure that you’re having personal calls with your team and showing them that you are a leader. Continue to personally develop yourself and build your name. Get a website. Buy your domain name. Make sure your website is available. Brand yourself and then have people reach out to you and then you can lead them to your network marketing brand, but attract them to you. People buy you before they will buy your product. People will buy you before they will join you in business. They’re saying, I need to know, like and trust you.
I hope you take this information and implement it in your network marketing business, build your personal brand and your network marketing business at the same time and you will see success like you’ve never had before.
Go to www.anthonydeloatch.com/join and get the information on the unstoppable entrepreneur academy. You’ll get more information just like this, through our trainings, our courses, and our live calls. You will be amazed at how much you will grow by being inside this community. Until the next episode, I want to tell you guys to go out and crush it each and every day. I’m out.
The topic of today’s episode is how to effectively use facebook messenger bots. Now I want to give you a couple of statistics before I jumped right into it. Did you know that one point 3 billion people use facebook messenger every single month? Did you know that over 8 million messages are sent in between facebook users and facebook businesses every single month? Did you know that 20 million facebook pages, that’s business pages use facebook messenger. Now, aren’t those stats astounding? There is no question that people want to communicate through facebook messenger, so any resistance that you have for communicating with your potential clients or clients through facebook messenger, I want you to eradicate that right now. Now, let me go into a couple of ways that you can use facebook messenger effectively.
The first thing I want you to do is very obvious. I want you to get set up with a facebook Messenger Bot. Now, I personally use mini chat, but there are other programs that you can use out there such as chatfuel. Go check it out, find the one that works best for you, but get set up with it.
The next thing that I want you to do is I want you to go ahead and set up a welcome sequence. When someone subscribes to your Messenger Bot, set up a welcome sequence that welcomes them to onboard them to your messenger. Talk to them about your vision and your mission to find out some information about them. Ask some questions. Just set up a nice welcome sequence for your new subscribers to your Bot. One other pro tip is to use their first name in the first message of the sequence. Make sure that you use their first name to make it personal. You don’t want to just say, hey, user or anything like that.
The next tip is to sound natural. Use your natural tone of voice. Sound natural. Don’t sound like a robot because you’re using a Bot. You want to sound like yourself. You want to make sure that the customer is actually comfortable talking to you and they feel like they’re talking to you directly. They know it’s a Bot, so you don’t want to try to fool them, but you want that Bot to take on your personality.
The next thing that I want you to do is to promote the facebook messenger communication. Tell your potential clients and your customers that they can reach out to you via facebook messenger, encouraged him to do that. Do that in your marketing material. Do it through your facebook lives, your posts on facebook, whatever you’re doing, make sure that you’re promoting and encouraging them. I’ve built a list of approximately 250 people that have subscribed to my facebook messenger bot by promoting through various social media channels.
The last tip is to make sure that you’re communicating on a weekly basis with the people that have subscribed to your Messenger Bot. You want to make sure that you’re sending out good information. Don’t just hit them with a bunch of sales in every single message, but send out some value messages like, hey look, I just published a new podcast, or I just published a new blog post and you want to go check out the information. Get sophisticated with it and ask them a question. Say, Hey, I just wanted to check in. This is my mid-week check in. I just wanted to see what’s going on in your world. What are you working on right now? Or if you like a clothing boutique, ask them, what are you wearing this season? What is the next piece of clothing that you’re looking forward to buying? Or what is your favorite summer attire? Engage your clientele and then set up sequences that will get them to go to your website.
Make sure that you’re using these best practices to be effective with facebook messenger bots. In my community, the unstoppable entrepreneur academy, we talk about things just like this all the time and we help you get your business set up for success. Join the unstoppable entrepreneur academy today. It’s only $7 for your first 30 days. You spend more than that on a meal. Go ahead and try it out. It’s $7 and I guarantee you that you’re going to enjoy this community