In this episode I discuss how to become an effective leader. Leadership is an essential function in today’s society. It’s essential in in business. It’s essential in schools. It’s essential in churches. It is essential everywhere that you go. Building a tribe is all about your leadership skills. I know you thought it was all about sales and marketing and funnels, but it’s really all about leadership.
I want to discuss a few things that will help you be more effective. Being a leader is all about serving your followers.
Encourage Their Dreams
The first thing you want to do for your followers is to become an encourager of their dreams. Your followers are looking to you for encouragement and you should be the one that’s encouraging their dreams. Encourage them to step out on faith. This will allow them to follow you with confidence because they know that you are someone who really wants to see them achieve their dreams and achieve their goals.
Justify Their Failures
The next tip is to justify their failures. Now, I know that may sound a little funny because you’re like, why would I justify their failures? Well, they need a leader that’s going to tell them, hey, you fail, but you’re not the only one who’s failed. The most successful people in the world have failed. When you justify their failures you help them understand that failure is not final, but it’s actually a part of the process of success. You let them know that they’re not flawed because they failed at something. This will cause them to have more confidence in you because most people are telling them the opposite.
Eradicate Their Fears
The next thing that you want to do is help them eradicate their fears. That’s right. Eradicate their fears. You want to encourage them and give them the confidence to go out and pursue amazing things. They may fear failure like we were just discussing. They may fear becoming successful. They may fear what their family and friends are going to say about them. They may fear looking like a fool. They may fear something not working out the way they planned, but what you want to do is help them eradicate that fear by giving them positive affirmations, by telling them what is possible, by showing them through your action that they need not to fear.
Confirm Their Suspicions
The next thing that you want to do is you want to confirm their suspicions. People will follow a leader that confirms the things they have been thinking all along.
An example is when I talk about weight loss. People have suspicions that just exercising, it’s not going to help you lose weight. They’ve been suspicious about that for years. So I confirm their suspicions by letting them know that they are not alone. If you’re working out every day and you’re not losing weight, there is a reason why. Or if you’ve been dieting for a long time and you haven’t lost any weight, there is a reason why. You’ve been set up. You’ve been duped by American society. Once you confirm their suspicions, they will be more attracted to you as a leader.
Throw Rocks at Their Enemies
The last thing that you want to do also to become an effective leader is to help them throw rocks at their enemies. People will follow people who are against what they are against.