This episode is about building your personal brand while building your network marketing business. Anybody that knows me and has known me for any amount of time knows that I love network marketing. It is an incredible way to do business. I’ve been involved in network marketing for over the last 15 years on and off and I built successful teams of people and I’ve had a moderate amount of success in network marketing, but one thing that I am very, very glad that I did was I built my own personal brand while building my network marketing company and I believe it is an excellent way for you to actually get started in the online business world.
Network marketing gives you a product that you can market. It gives you the support and the leadership that you need to start building an online business. So I want to jump right into the ways that you can build your personal brand.
Be Yourself
The first tip is to be yourself. When you’re building a network marketing business, do not morph into someone else. Don’t morph into your upline. Don’t morph into your sponsor or someone else you’ve seen on stage. You can admire their success, but you want to be yourself because your family, your friends, the people that you talk to, they can sniff out of fake from a mile away so you don’t want it to be fake. While you’re building your business, you want to be genuine. You want to reach out to people and let them and share your why. Share your story, why you want to build this network marketing business.
Become the Expert
The next tip is to become the expert in the niche of your network marketing business. If you are with a health and wellness company, then you want to go on your own health and wellness journey and start to learn about the different processes of becoming fit and getting healthy and start sharing that information.
Create Content
The third tip is to start sharing content about your niche, not necessarily directly about your product, but about your journey and about your niche.
For example, when I was building a network marketing business that was in the health and wellness space, I started running because I wanted to get healthy. I wanted to get fit, so I started running. I would post a lot about running. I would post about my journey of weight loss and then people will ask me, well, what are you doing? And then I would lead them back to my network marketing product.
Build Your List
The next tip is to start building your own list. A lot of people miss this part. They think because it’s a network marketing business, they don’t have to build their own list, but your list is so valuable. Build your own email list while you’re doing it. You know how you can do that. You can start your own lead magnet, whatever you want to do.
In one company I was in, we were giving away samples and I would take their email address and their name when I gave away the sample. Start building your list and follow up with people. You’ve probably heard it before in network marketing, the fortune is in the follow up. You want to follow up with people after you have given them some information and then you want to keep providing them with content on a regular basis. Communicate with those people who you have on your list and provide value to them and eventually they will see the value and they either join you on the business side of your network marketing business or they’ll join you on the customer side.
Lastly, make sure that you’re building your team and showing your leadership skills. You want to make sure that you’re having personal calls with your team and showing them that you are a leader. Continue to personally develop yourself and build your name. Get a website. Buy your domain name. Make sure your website is available. Brand yourself and then have people reach out to you and then you can lead them to your network marketing brand, but attract them to you. People buy you before they will buy your product. People will buy you before they will join you in business. They’re saying, I need to know, like and trust you.
I hope you take this information and implement it in your network marketing business, build your personal brand and your network marketing business at the same time and you will see success like you’ve never had before.
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